While You Were Sleeping....
Nutrition Heretic
Deliciously Incorrect with Guest Heretic, Dr. Shawn Baker: Living the Carnivore Diet

Deliciously Incorrect with Guest Heretic, Dr. Shawn Baker: Living the Carnivore Diet

Last week we talked to Dr. Shawn Baker about different aspects of the carnivore diet and the quality of meat raised in pasture versus indoors. This week, we explore the impact of modern food sourcing on humans, is seasoning meat yea or nay, and how what’s the scoop on how carnivores poop.

If you missed the first half of this interview, you can catch it here.

Dr. Shawn Baker is an orthopedic surgeon, a multi-sport world record setting athlete, a father, antidote for a broken health-care system, citizen science enabler, and a Carnivorous Anti-Hero.   You can connect with Shawn through his website, the Carnivore Training System, his podcast, The Human Performance Outliers, and on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.

Highlights from today’s episode:

02:01 ~ Could food reactions be attributed to the way food is raised and how it is processed and consumed?

07:41 ~ There are different ways of following an all-meat diet. Some people use seasonings such as garlic, onion, and hot hot sauce, while others don’t even use salt. What Dr. Baker recommends.

09:38 ~ Dr. Baker’s most important advice.

10:53 ~ Reasons people move to the carnivore diet.

13:00 ~ Feeling restricted by the diet versus freedom in simplicity

15:46 ~ What’s the scoop on carnivore poop?

22:23 ~ Where the medical system fails in health.

29:56 ~ How long you should be on the carnivore diet before you know if it’s for you.

Other links mentioned in this interview:

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Living the Carnivore Diet with Shawn Baker, Nutrition Heretic Podcast
While You Were Sleeping....
Nutrition Heretic
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